Sunday, May 31, 2009


I know it's been a few days since I've written, making my previous statement on the lifespan of this blog seem like a self-fulfilling prophesy. But rest assured, I've thought of some good crap to write about.

Things I am currently enjoying:

Mad Men
This show makes me wish I lived in the fifties (or, at the very least, smoked cigarettes and wore suits all the time). The characters are all interesting and dynamic: there isn't anyone that is flat out hatable , and there isn't anyone that I find admirable either. Well, maybe Don. But he isn't exactly faithful to his wife. It was a different time, so i'll let it slide.
Watch Mad Men, and then let me know how much you love it and how you can't believe you hadn't watched it yet. I know, i read/heard people rant and rave, and thought to myself "Nah, it can't be that cool." How can watching a bunch of guys, who literally smoke all the time, talk about women be interesting? I don't know. But it is the best show on television.

Will Leitch
A few days ago, i had planned on going to a semi-pro basketball game, in which THE GAME would be playing. I was on my way, when my buddy Minkus texted me "bro- game's not coming. don't come, its lame'. I didn't go. I had already left the house, and had two hours to kill, so i went downtown to go to Barnes and Noble, like anyone with time to kill would. I bought "God Save the Fan", by Will Leitch, who's work i was familiar with, and a book about baby animals for my friend brandon for his birthday. I went from there to Starbucks. I like the way that reading in a coffee shop looks, even though i didn't buy something that looked cultured. I thought about it, though. I read God Save The Fan for a solid two hours.
Will Leitch is the founder of a website that i visit pretty regularly called Deadspin. Deadspin is a sports blog, where they either report the news that sites like ESPN don't, or offer a perspective that is a lot more fun and a lot less biased. His book made me realize some stupidly simple things about being a sports fan and about sports that I had over-looked. I'll probably end up regurgitating some of it along with my own theories on this blog shortly. like tomorrow. If you are a sports fan, pick it up. It's great. And if you are friends with a sports fan and want to try and understand what being a fan is, give it a try (you won't get a lot of the jokes, though).

Fallout 3
Yes, this is an xbox game. No, i won't write about video games on here (often). I don't know how it's possible, but i love this game and hate it at the same time. Typically, i play sports games- and in those, i enjoy the offseason and trades/drafting more than actually playing. I cannot put fallout 3 down. I actually dread playing it. Today I literally said "Damnit, i don't want to do this" when i turned on my xbox 360.
Fallout 3 takes place in an alternate future, post-nuclear holocaust. Everything is 50-ish styled: the music, the cartoons, the signs, people using words like "traipsing around" and "oh my word". It isn't like other games though- there is nothing linear about it. I could (and have) spend three hours playing and make little/no progress. For example, a woman asked me to deliver a letter to her family in another "settlement". I had to kill 8 "raiders" and a bunch of giant ants and wild crap like that in order to get there. When i finally got to their house, i find the family lying on the floor dead and decomposing with bite-marks on their necks. Then some old-timer comes in and says:

"Oh my word! I was a-traipsing around, and a-heard a noise! The matthews family is dead? I bet whoever is responsible for this lives in those old, dark abandoned subway tunnels! You really should go into those tunnels and find whoever did this..."
Yeah. Right.
I left the town, the time spent playing now pointless. Why didn't i go into the tunnels? THEY HAD BITE MARKS ON THEIR NECKS. THAT'S WHY.

Play it, so we can share this burden together.

There's a couple more things that i intended to write about, but it's late. It's late, and i want to get this up.


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